The weekend of the huge semi-annual yard sale arrived and we thought maybe this would be a good time to purchase a crate for the puppy at a reasonable price. We culled through our handy 138 page puppy-raiser manual to see specifics on the crate requirements and realized how much more than just a create we need. A bed, leash, collar, toys, food bowls, baby gates, grooming supplies, tie downs, flea and tick medicine, food, and more. I spoke with our AC (area coordinator) regarding a crate type and .... score.... she has a crate we can use! Scotty was so busy selling at our home that we did not find anytime to look for gates. So, it was off to PetCo to start picking up Puppy's necessities.
I brought the boys thinking this would help Scotty finish laying the carpet, but I guess I did not think of me! PetCo is a wonderland of pets between the kitty adoptions, the puppy training and the lure of rare birds and small critters, it was hard for the two boys to focus on a puppy that would arrive some time in the future. Michael milled around looking at all the live animals while Billy and I tried to pick out a leash and collar. In typical fashion, I forgot the size snap/clip collar I was to purchase (but I did remember the color - Blue), forgot the size bowls to purchase (but I did remember they were to be stainless steel), I could not remember if Kongs were on the approved or disapproved toy list and thought better about buying flea and tick meds until puppy is here. It was not a totally wasted trip though as I found out Billy really, really wants a rare yellow necked parakeet for his birthday!