Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Honey!

Who knew there was ice cream made specifically for dogs? I did not! Today we went to the pet store to get something special to celebrate Honey's first birthday. From the pictures below I think doggie ice cream is a winner.
Looking at this picture I wonder what we were thinking placing a dog so close to an open flame
Ok, as if the first picture wasn't bad enough, now we forced the poor thing to down next to the flame
Honey is not sure if she likes this frozen stuff
But after the first few licks, I determine she likes this better than the other frozen stuff we give her - ice cubes
Honey was so distracted by the ice cream she did not even seem to mind wearing the 'birthday hat'
Happy Birthday Honey and the rest of the V10 litter!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Honey in Harness?

The following pictures explain why you do not ask a 10 year old to take pictures of your puppy in training. We were trying to see how Honey would react to putting on a harness (great!), how she would react to wearing a harness (great) and how she would react to working in the harness (great as well). Now if I could just get my son to center Honey in the pictures I would be a happier person!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Centennial Sportsplex

We met at the Centennial Sportsplex where the dogs watched an ice hockey game and also watched swimmers in the pool.
Frenchie watching the swimmer
Pat with Moose, Becky with Clifford, Honey, Tina with Frenchie

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Puppy Camp

Sorry for the delay in posting blogs. I have been writing some posts during this hectic summer but I have not found the time to publish them. With the kids starting back to school next week, I will finally have some free time to update Honey's blog with some of those posts... I hope!

Honey has been at puppy camp for almost 2 weeks now. We will finally get her back home with us at our puppy raiser meeting this weekend. Due to puppy camp we missed 2 Friday photo sessions, her 'you better be watching me at all times' attitude and just Honey in general. Puppy camp, for us, is a very small taste of what IFT will feel like. I do not like this feeling! In the meantime we have been puppy camping, Frenchie, a not so little 5 month old black female goldadore. She is one of Miss Fayes pups. What a world of difference between Honey and Frenchie.

The top 10 Differences between Frenchie and Honey
10 - Frenchie is VERY laid back. Honey, well, let's just say she is not so laid back
9 - Frenchie is very lean. Honey is, as my grandmother would say, rugged.
8 - Frenchie prances on our walks. Honey attempts to pull me along on walks.
7 - Frenchie tires easily. Honey is constantly in motion.
6 - Frenchie follows me around - everywhere. Honey follows my husband around.
5 - Frenchie wakes up way too early in the morning. Honey needs to recharge her batteries so she thankfully sleeps in.
4 - Frenchie is a goldadore and has a rounder head and much longer whip-like tail. Honey is a lab and has a much flatter head and shorter tail (and oddly. her tail does not whip or injure us!).
3 - Frenchie 'busys' without moving around. Honey 'busys' almost in motion.
2 - Frenchie does not jump or give kisses. Honey loves to jump and lick.and the #1 difference is...
1 - Frenchie does not steal socks!!!!!

Check back tomorrow for our Top 10 similarities...