Saturday, December 24, 2011

Snoring in Church

We attend a fairly large church and the congregation has accepted Beacon with open hearts.  Who wouldn't?  He is such an easy and well behaved puppy.  Well if there were ever a time I thought we may be asked to leave church, it was tonight.  Beacon pranced into church like he owned the place, greeted his regular fans, settled into his comfy spot and began to snore.  At first the snoring was not too loud and the music, singing and rejoicing was a little louder than Beacon's snore, so all was good.  Then, Pastor Rick introduced a special guest singer, American Idol finalist, Melinda Doolittle. She sang a very soulful song and the congregation was mesmerized by her singing - all but one little puppy.  Beacon continued to snore.  I looked around to see if anyone else could hear the snoring, but no one looked annoyed or bothered so I assume it was just me tuned into the puppy snore.  We enjoyed the service, the kindness of others who smiled as we tried to get Beacon out to busy after the longer than usual service and the few times a year our family is able to worship together.  We really enjoyed that Beacon is becoming so comfortable with outside our home exposures that he is now able to sleep through them - we just need to work on that snoring!

American Idol finalist
Melinda Dolittle

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