Monday, November 7, 2011

No News is Good News?

Anxious to find out some information on Honey is progressing, I broke down and called my Area Coordinator, Becky. In my mind our conversation was going to go something like this...

ME: Hi Becky! Have you heard anything about Honey and Moose yet?
BECKY: I did but I am in shock and until this moment have been unable to speak.
ME: What? Is Honey ok?
BECKY: I just got her first report and she passed all her medical exams. As a matter of fact, she is doing so well she has been fast tracked and has already been matched with her future partner! They will graduate next month.
ME: Really?
BECKY: Yes, Honey has done so well that she set a Southeastern Guide Dogs record for the earliest placed, quickest trained and best behaved dog ever!
ME: No wonder you are in shock, but I am not surprised. Honey is one smart girl!

Instead, I got the 'no news is good news' report. Although I know Honey will not be the earliest placed, the best behaved or the quickest trained dog at Southeastern, she is still on track to be a future guide dog. And I am ok with that.


  1. It's so hard not knowing how your pup is doing; having my fourth guide dog puppy down there right now - I'm always anxious for the next report card.

    Saw that you will be receiving a new puppy "Beacon"; who is from the Ellen/Gunner litter.
    I just received my 5th guide dog puppy "Brandon" on Oct 30th (a little over 1 week ago) who is out of the same litter.
    Guess we are raising litter mates!
    Stop by sometime to "meet" Brandon!

    Brandon's Raiser

  2. The first month of IFT is the longest. Hang in there. I am!

  3. The computer has deemed me unknown. Sorry about that. Joyce
