Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Quiet 'Snow' Day at Home

I put snow in quotes since what Tennesseans consider snow is a little different than most people. Honey had no problem being out in the cold, and I have to say I liked it too since Honey quickly ‘busied’ and was anxious to come back inside. We decorated our Christmas tree but I think we are going to need to redecorate it soon. Honey is attracted to the tree, the lights and ornaments like a moth to light. Hopefully by tomorrow she will forget how tasty the tree is and will be happy just to admire its beauty.

1 comment:

  1. Wayne is doing the exact same thing! He won't leave the tree alone, but he is no the only one who really likes the tree. We have two dogs of our own who like to get under the tree because our kitten is climbing in the branches knocking the ornaments off. Hopefully it doesn't appeal to either of them soon.

    -Wayne's mom
