Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Roller Rink

Billy attended a birthday party at the roller rink from 5:30 - 7:30 and I thought it would be a great exposure outing for Honey. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?! I was well prepared for Honey - water, clean up supplies, toys - I was not well prepared for what seemed to be 1000 kids skating, tons of food on the multi-colored patterned carpet and extra loud heart thumping music. Honey initially tried to jump on each child as they skated by but settled down after I bribed her with her peanut butter laced kong. She was, thankfully, unfazed by the music. She displayed her carpet fascination by trying to lick every square inch of each pattern. I would post some pictures if one of the two cameras I had with me worked. Considering the late start time, the length of the exposure and the amount of distractions, I think Honey did very well for a young puppy.

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